How it all started...
The first known record of a gathering of believers known as First Baptist Church of Colbert is when they joined the Choctaw-Chickasaw Baptist Association in August of 1887. The church reported a membership of 25 and 47 for the years 1887 and 1888 with Rev. J.S. Murrow, a missionary to the Chickasaws, serving as pastor.
In the 1890's, the church met on the east side of Franklin across the street from the current location. the Baptists, along with the Methodists and Presbyterians, were part of a Union Sunday School with each church having their own pastor who came on designated Sundays.
Sometime around 1906, the Baptists moved to the current location on the west side of Franklin where they built their own one-room church building. Through the years, buildings have been constructed, brought in, renovated, torn down and replaced, each time in response to vision and hope for a new and better day. The latest addition is a new Family Life Center completed in 20??
Faithful servants of the Lord have gathered for more than 130 years as the First Baptist Church of Colbert. their dedication to the cause of Christ inspires us even today.
In the 1890's, the church met on the east side of Franklin across the street from the current location. the Baptists, along with the Methodists and Presbyterians, were part of a Union Sunday School with each church having their own pastor who came on designated Sundays.
Sometime around 1906, the Baptists moved to the current location on the west side of Franklin where they built their own one-room church building. Through the years, buildings have been constructed, brought in, renovated, torn down and replaced, each time in response to vision and hope for a new and better day. The latest addition is a new Family Life Center completed in 20??
Faithful servants of the Lord have gathered for more than 130 years as the First Baptist Church of Colbert. their dedication to the cause of Christ inspires us even today.

Today The Mission Continues

We exist for the glory of God, to introduce people to Jesus and to teach them to follow Him. The mission given to His church over 2000 years ago still directs our way. A continually renewed vision that has guided the church's 130+ year history has been renewed afresh and propels our path forward today.
Our current expansion of existing ministries will make possible reaching more with the gospel of the Lord Jesus. Preparations for the construction of a new Sanctuary are exciting and will be a tool for the development of more fully devoted followers of Christ.
Our current expansion of existing ministries will make possible reaching more with the gospel of the Lord Jesus. Preparations for the construction of a new Sanctuary are exciting and will be a tool for the development of more fully devoted followers of Christ.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather for Bible Study at 9:45 am and Worship at 10:45 am and 6:00 pm. Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm.