Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Local Mission
Every Christian is called to be on mission for the gospel in their walk with Christ. We see this in multiple ways for FBC Colbert recently it has been locally!!! this past spring we helped the school deliver meals due to the COVID scenario. We are also involved in giving to Lottie Moon, the Cooperative Program,and Annie Armstrong. However, a BIG part of our mission work involves Operation Christmas Child where we have been a leader in our area in providing 406 boxes this past year to show and share the Love of Christ!!

Expanding Our Mission
Our vision as a church is that beginning in 2021 we will be expanding our Mission field past the limits of Local missions. We are excited for the opportunity to take the Gospel to Colorado. We are also exploring even further reaches of over-seas trips. This will be something you want to be apart of!!!